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What to Look for in a Home Inspection

home inspection

What is a Home Inspection?

A home inspection is an assessment of the home you plan on purchasing.  The inspection is conducted by a licensed professional and is a visual inspection of the homes functionality. 

The inspector will review all aspects of the home. In fact they will complete a comprehensive report. The report will include of their due diligence to ensure that there are no major defects associated with the home. It’s just one of the first time home buyer tips we recommend investing in.

Once the purchaser has received their detailed report, they can make an informed decision as to proceed with the purchase. They will inspect both the interior and exterior of the home to ensurethat you don’t find any serious defects down the road. 

While most people would assume that everyone is acting in good faith, there are lots of horror stories about people who put “lipstick on a pig”

There is perhaps no worse feeling than putting your hard earned money down only to be deceived.  A home inspection can help you avoid this problem.  

How long does a home inspection take?

Because home inspectors are looking at more than just the overall aesthetic of the home you are purchasing it takes time. 
Depending on the size of the house it can take between 1.5-3 hours, in some instances longer.  They key is not to rush someone who is trying to look out for your best interests.  

Generally speaking it’s a good idea to try to be present for the inspection.  After all, if you have questions, now is the time to ask to make sure you understand things.

How much does a home inspection cost?

Ordinarily, a home inspection will cost between $300-$500.  If the property is eccentric or substantially larger than an average home, the costs may fluctuate.  Again, skimping on a few hundred bucks that could save you life altering anguish doesn’t make sense.   

What to Look for in a Home Inspection

A home inspection is ALWAYS a good idea. It offers additional protection and insight into the property you are making an offer on.  Remember, looks can be deceiving.

Not all sellers are aware of all the current or potential defects that may already exist in the home that you are potentially buying. Moreover, some will even try to mask them.   

A certified home inspector can help reduce the risk of buying a home that has issues.  This helps ensure that you can make an educated decision to walk away from the purchase. 

Alternatively you can address them with the seller and make adjustments to the price being offered if need be.  

They can also help identify work that may be required to be done in the near future. This way you know about work that may have to be done to the home in the immediate future. For example: repair/replace the shingles on the roof. They provide assessment and insight on (but not limited to):

  • Existing water damage/risk
  • Electrical safety
  • Foundation durability
  • Roof upgrades/repair
  • Plumbing Review
  • Furnace/heating efficiency
  • Window condition/efficiency

A home inspection can help protect your investment and help make sure you are making the right one for you and your family.

Is a House Inspection Necessary?

Again, with costs ranging from as little as $300-$500 it is a worthwhile investment.  While they are not fool proof, a home inspection can significantly reduce the risk of buying a an investment that may come with costly surprises.

And a home inspection can even help you determine what expenses you may have in the immediate future.  Nobody wants to invest in a money pit and a home inspection can help reduce the risk of owning one. 

Remember not all home inspectors are created equal so do your research about who you plan on using before you put your offer.

Finally, if you are just in the throws of considering buying a home, make sure that you have explored your financing options as well. 

The Mortgage Brokers Network offers free consultations and can even offer pre-approvals online.  Feel free to call us at 1-877-383-1577 or apply online.

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